Dr. Arindam Das

Designation : Associate Professor

Broad Area of Expertise : Mechanical Engineering

Email : arindam{at}iitgoa.ac.in

Contact Number : 0832-2490-128

Address : Academic Block B IIT Goa

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago,USA 2013)
  2. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Jadavpur University, India 2006)

Areas of Research

Interfacial Science: Wettability, Adhesion, Nucleation and Heat Transfer at Interface. Nanoparticle and Colloid Synthesis, Active Nano Fluids, Biomimicry, EMI Shielding, Nanoparticle Polymer Composites, Microfluidics.

Courses Taught

Interfacial Science: Wettability, Adhesion, Nucleation and Heat Transfer at Interface. Nanoparticle and Colloid Synthesis, Active Nano Fluids, Biomimicry, EMI Shielding, Nanoparticle Polymer Composites, Microfluidics.

Professional Appointments

  1. Postdoc Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, 2013-2017.
  2. Assistant Professor in department of Mechanical Engineering at Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences at Pilani , Pilani, Rajasthan , India (Dec, 2017- May,2018)
  3. Assistant Professor in School of Mechanical Sciences at  Indian Institutes of Technology Goa. May 2018 to December 2023.

Recent Publications

Peer reviewed Journal Articles

1. "Unraveling the interplay of leaf structure and wettability: A comparative study on superhydrophobic leaves of Cassia tora, Adiantum capillus-veneris, and Bauhinia variegata". hubham S Ganar, Arindam Das, Physics of Fluids , 35(11), 114113, 2023. 

2. “Design of Liquid Impregnated Surface with Stable Lubricant layer in Mixed Water/Oil Environment for Low Hydrate Adhesion.”  A. Mund, 
A. Nayse, A. Das. ACS Langmuir 39 (34), 11964-11974. (Cover article). 
3. “Designing Ultra-Low Hydrate Adhesion Surfaces by Interfacial Spreading of Water-Immiscible Barrier Films.” A. Das, T. A. Farnham, S. B.
Subramanyam, K. K. Varanasi. ACS applied materials & interfaces (Cover). 9 (25), 21496- 21502, 2017.
4. “Magnetite (Fe3O4)-filled Carbon Nanofibers as Electro-conducting/Superparamagnetic Nanohybrids and their Multifunctional Polymer Composites.” A. Das, M. Raffi, C.M. Megaridis, D. Fragouli, C. Innocenti, A. Athanassiou. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 17, 1-14, 2015.
5. “Surface Engineering for Phase Change Heat Transfer: A Review”. Attinger, C. Frankiewicz, A. R. Betz, T. M Schutzius, R. Ganguly, A. Das,
C-J Kim, C.M Megaridis. MRS Energy & Sustainability 1, E4, 2014.
6. “Polymeric Films with Electric and Magnetic Anisotropy Due to Magnetically Assembled Functional Nanofibers.” D.Fragouli, A. Das,C.Innocenti, Y. Guttikonda, S. Rahman, L.Liu, V.Caramia, C.M Megaridis, A. Athanassiou. ACS applied materials & interfaces 6, 4535-4541, 2014.
7. “Terahertz Shielding of Carbon Nanomaterials and their Composites-A Review and Applications.”  L. Liu, A. Das, C.M Megaridis. Carbon 69,
1-16, 2014.
8. “Quasi-optical Terahertz Polarizers Enabled by Inkjet Printing of Carbon Nanocomposites.”  A. Das, T.M. Schutzius, C. M. Megaridis,
S. Subhechha, T. Wang, L.Liu. Applied Physics Letters.101, 243108, 2012.
9. "Superhydrophobic-Superhydrophilic Binary Micropatterns by Localized Thermal Treatment of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS)-Silica Films." T. M. Schutzius, I. S. Bayer, G M. Jursich, A. Das, and C. M. Megaridis. Nanoscale 4, 5378-5385, 2012.

10. “Superoleophobic and Conductive Carbon Nanofiber/Fluoropolymer Composite Films,” A. Das, T. M. Schutzius,I. S. Bayer and C. M. Megaridis.
Carbon 50, 1346-1354, 2012.
11. “Design and Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Carbon Nanofiber Composite Coatings for Terahertz Frequency Shielding and Attenuation.” A. Das, C. M. Megaridis, L. Liu, T. Wang and A. Biswas. Applied Physics Letters 98, 174101, 2011.
12. “Superhydrophobic and Conductive Carbon Nanofiber/PTFE Composite Coatings for EMI Shielding.”  A.Das, H. T. Hayvaci, M. K. Tiwari, I. S. Bayer, D. Erricolo and C. M. Megaridis. J. Colloid Interface Science, 353, 311-315, 2011.
13. “Are Superhydrophobic Surfaces Best for Icephobicity?” S. Jung, M. Dorrestijn, D. Raps, A. Das, C. M. Megaridis and D. Poulikakos,
Langmuir 27, 3059-3066, 2011.


Conference & Symposia:

1. Design/Fabrication and Experimental validation of Omni-phobic Lubricant impregnated surfaces for extremely low hydrate adhesion. A. Mund, A.Das, APS DFD 2022, Indianapolis, Nov 20-22, 2022. (presentation).
2. Structure correlated static and dynamic wettability properties of superhydrophobic leaves of Cassiatora, Adiantum capillas veneris (ACV), and Bauhinia variegata Linn. S. Ganar, A. Das. APS DFD 2022, Indianapolis, Nov 20-22, 2022.
3. Design/Fabrication and experimental validation of Omni phobic LIS for extremely low hydrate adhesion. A.Mund, A.Das, Comflu 2021, IIT
Kharagpur, Kolkata, 19-21 December, 2022. (poster presentation).
4. Structure correlated static and dynamic wettability properties of superhydrophobic leaves of Cassiatora, Adiantum capillas veneris (ACV), and Bauhinia variegata Linn. S. Ganar, A. Das.Comflu 2021, IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata, 19-21 December, 2022. (Poster presentation)
5. Fabric wettability on penetration of artificial mucus and water drops. Shubham Ganar, Arindam Das. ComFlu 2021, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar.13-15 December 2021.
6. Ultralow hydrate adhesion Surfaces: Design and Experimental Validation. Arindam Das, Kripa K Varanasi. Complex Fluids Symposium 2020. 10-12 December 2020, Organized by Indian Society of Rheology and IIT Bombay.
7. Hydrate Mitigation using Surface Chemical Modification to Lower Adhesion Properties on Pipe Walls. Arindam Das; Kripa Varanasi; Pier Paolo Zonta; Alberto Pontarollo; Giuseppe Maddinelli. Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 2019. Paper Number: OMC-2019-0959.
8. "How Surface Wettability and Morphology Influences the Passive Condensation and Active Deicing/Defrosting Process?" A. Das, S. Kapatral, C. M. Megaridis. Poster Paper, MRS Fall Meeting December1-6, 2013; Boston, Massachusetts.
9. “Anisotropic Polymer Composite Film Made of Magnetic Nanoparticle Filled Carbon Nanofibers.” A. Das, C.M. Megaridis, C. Innocenti, I. S. Bayer, D. Fragouli. Poster Paper, MRS Fall Meeting, December1-6, 2013; Boston, Massachusetts.
10. “Keeping a Surface Ice/Frost Free with Electro-conducting Water-repellent Coatings.” A. Das, S. Kapatral, C. M. Megaridis. Bulletin of the
American Physical Society 58, 2013.
11. “Investigation of Icephobic Behavior of Surfaces with Tunable Properties.” A. Das, S. Kapatral, C. M. M. Megaridis. Poster Paper, NSF CBET Grantee Conference, June 6- 8, 2012; Baltimore, Maryland.

12. “Cost-Effective Terahertz Quasi-Optical Components Based on Inkjet Printing of Carbon Nanocomposite Coatings.”  S. Subhechha , A. Das , T. M. Schutzius , A. Biswas , T. Wang , C. M. Megaridis and L. Liu. 23rd International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Tokyo, 2-4 April 2012. 
13. “Non-isothermal Applications of Coatings with Extreme Wettability.” A. Das, C. M. Megaridis. The 48th Annual Technical Conference of the
Society of Engineering Sciences, October 12-14, 2011; Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
14. "Conductive Superhydrophobic Polymer Composites for Effective EMI Shielding in the GHz-THz Frequency. A. Das, C. M. Megaridis, L. Liu, T.
Wang, A. Biswas, D. Erricolo, H. Hayvaci, M. K. Tiwari, I. S. Bayer. The ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, McMAT May 30-June
1, 2011; Chicago, Illinois.
15. “Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Coatings for Large Area Applications.” C. M. Megaridis, T. Schutzius, A.Das, M. K. Tiwari, I. S. Bayer. APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting. March 16-20, 2009; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Book Chapter:
1. Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow III, Macro and Micro Flow Boiling and Numerical Modeling Fundamentals, Volume 4: Special
Boiling Topics. Editor: John R Thome. Chapter 2: How to Engineer Surfaces to Control and Optimize Boiling, Condensation and Frost Formation?
Daniel Attinger, Amy R. Betz, Christophe Frankiewicz, Ranjan Ganguly, Thomas M. Schutzius, Mohamed Elsharkawy, Arindam Das, Chang-Jin, CJ
Kim and Constantine M. Megaridis. World Scientific 2017. ISBN 978-981-3227-31-6.

Recognition and Awards

  1. Research / Start up award: One of the Winner of Defense India Start up challenge. Project: " Bilge Oily Water Separation for Indian Navy"- iDex 2018-19.
  2. Excellent Teaching performance, IIT Goa Autumn 2020-2021, IIT Goa Spring 2021-2022.

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