About Us
The Chemistry program is among the first academic units of IIT Goa. Since its inception in 2016, the chemistry program is engaged in giving the highest quality of education and training to the undergraduate and postgraduate students of IIT Goa. The Chemistry program under the School of Chemical and Material Science offers various undergraduate courses for first-year B.Tech students. The courses span across the horizons of chemistry such as Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Introductory Biology. The B.Tech. Students are given a hand on experience in various analytical instruments, which are being used in industries, production units and laboratories across the world. Our courses are designed to inculcate scientific aptitude in among students. While the undergraduate teaching remains our primary focus towards the institute’s academic curricula, the department also runs a PhD program. The chemistry program currently incorporates faculty members with vivid interests. The present members are working in Organometallic Chemistry, Synthetic biomolecular Chemistry, Time-resolved spectroscopy and Biophysical Chemistry. To have a healthy research atmosphere and conductive research, the school established the following facilities: LC-MS, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer, Fluorimeter, Gas Chromatography, Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy system. Besides, the chemistry program also houses FTIR spectrometer, Schlenk line for inert atmospheric reactions. The program is generously funded by IIT Goa for setting up its research facilities. In addition to this, the faculty members have received several grants from national and international agencies like SERB, CEFIPRA, DST, Max Planck Society, IGSTC, Ministry of Earth Science, to name a few
The chemistry discipline envisions to develop a strong chemistry programme deeply rooted in teaching and cutting-edge research. True to the adage of chemistry being the ‘central science’, we aspire to facilitate strong collaborations with other disciplines of the institute and academia beyond the institute. In our distinct approach to seek solutions to the needs of the society, we aim towards enhanced outreach activities and engagement with the thriving local chemical industry. We firmly believe that rigorous training imparted to the students of our programmes through focuses on research quality, integrity and communication will enable them to cater to the ever-changing future needs of the society.