Postgraduate programmes

IIT Goa offers various postgraduate programmes as M.Tech and PhD. degree in various disciplines. The academic system is semester based and hence the students are required to follow certain procedures and meet certain academic requirements each semester based on the credit system followed by the institute.

M.Tech. Programmes:

The institute offers M.Tech. programmes of 2 years duration, consisting of total four semesters.

Sl. No.ProgrammeDurationTotal Seats
1.M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering2 Years10+2*
2.M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering2 Years10+2*
3.M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering2 Years10+2*
4.M.Tech in Chemical Engineering2 Years10+2*

* Per discipline there are two seats for the M.Tech. programme under sponsored/self-financed category.

Admission for M.Tech. Programmes:

Admission for various M,Tech. programmes are offered every year to candidates based on their GATE score. All eligible aspirants required to register on ‘Common Offer Acceptance Portal (COAP)’. After successful registration in COAP, candidate has to register in M.Tech application portal of IIT Goa. Candidates who wish to confirm (accept and freeze) an offer (made from IIT Goa), must complete the payment of fees within the time window given in COAP

PhD. Programmes:

The institute also offers PhD. Programmes in various disciplines. Currently the institute is offering total seven PhD. Programmes in Chemistry, Physics, etc. The details are as follows:

Sl. No.ProgrammeDuration
1.PhD. in Chemistry5 Years
2.PhD. in Mathematics5 Years
3.PhD. Physics5 Years
4.PhD. in Computer Science and Engineering5 Years
5.PhD. in Electrical Engineering5 Years
6.PhD. in Mechanical Engineering5 Years
7.PhD. in Economics5 Years
8.PhD. in Humanities and Social Science5 Years
9.PhD. in Chemical and Materials Engineering5 Years

Admission for PhD. Programmes:

The institute conducts admission procedures twice a year i.e., after each semester in an academic year. The eligible aspirants go through a written exam test or interview in order to get selected for any PhD. programme. Offer letters are sent to provisionally selected candidates based on their performance in the written examination or interview and candidature is accepted after completion of document verification and payment of fees.

The total seat intake capacity is different in each semester, depending upon the recommendations of Senate (Highest academic body of the institute).