Dr. Priyabrata Sahoo

Designation : Assistant Professor
Broad Area of Expertise : Mechanical Engineering
Email : priyabrata{at}iitgoa.ac.in
Contact Number : 0832-2490-137
Address : F2, Academic Block-A
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India.
- M.E, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Areas of Research
Microand Nano Machining/Finishing, Modelling of Manufacturing Processes, Chatter Modelling in Machining, Additive Manufacturing
Courses Taught
Manufacturing Process-2 (ME320)
Manufacturing Process-1 (ME220)
Introduction to Manufacturing (Lab)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Theory Machining and Finishing (ME629)
Professional Appointments
- Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Goa, India (August 2023-Present).
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, Chennai (April 2023- July 2023).
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India (August 2021-April 2023).
Recent Publications
- P. Sahoo, N. Banerjee, R. Singh, Understanding the influence of free-volume generation, thermal instabilities and fracture energy on shear localization in micromachining of bulk metallic glass. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 133 (2025) 466-478.
- A. Anand, A. Saxena, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Device for Performing Opthalmic Surgery, IN Patnet: 540099, 2024.
- P. Sahoo, S. Kumar, R. Singh, G Srinivas, V. Bonu, H. C. Barshilia. Effect of arc-deposited diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating thickness on friction and size effects in high-speed micromilling of Ti6Al4V. Tribology International. 192 (2024) 109223.
- P. Sahoo, V.K. Singh, K. Patra, Influences of Tribological and Mechanical Properties of (Ti /Al)N and Diamond Like Carbon Coated Tungsten Carbide Tool on Machining and Dynamic Stability in Micro Milling of Ti6Al4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 85 (2023) 915-934.
- P. Sahoo, N. Banerjee, R. Singh, Modelling and Analysis of Chip Segmentation in Micro-cutting of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG), Manufacturing Letters. 35 (2023) 297-304.
- A. Roushan, U. S. Rao, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, and S. S. Rawat. "Wear behavior of AlTiN coated WC tools in micromilling of Ti6Al4V alloy using vegetable oil-based nanofluids." Tribology International (2023): 108825.
- A. Roushan, U.S. Rao, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Performance study of uncoated and AlTiN-coated tungsten carbide tools in micromilling of Ti6Al4V using nano-MQL. Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering. 45, 63 (2023).
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, D Y. Pimenov, Enhancement of micro milling performance by abrasion-resistant coated tools with optimized thin-film thickness: Analytical and experimental characterization. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 120 (2022) 2993-3015.
- A. Roushan, U. S. Rao, K. Patra, P. Sahoo, Performance evaluation of tool coatings and nanofluid MQL on the micro-machinability of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 73 (2022) 595-610.
- T. Barik, K. Pal, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Sensor based strategies for accurate prediction of drilled hole surface integrity of CFRP/Al7075 hybrid stack. Mechanics of advanced materials and structures. 2022. 1-28.
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Cumulative reduction of friction and size effects in micro milling through proper selection of coating thickness of TiAlN coated tool: Experimental and Analytical Assessments, Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 67 (2021) 635-654.
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Vishnu. K. Singh, M. K. Gupta, Q. Song, M. Mia and D. Y. Pimenov, Influences of TiAlN Coating and Limiting Angles of Flutes on Prediction of Cutting Forces and Dynamic Stability in Micro Milling of Die Steel (P-20), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 278 (2020) 116500.
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, V. K. Singh, R. K. Mittal, R. K. Singh, Modelling dynamic stability and cutting forces in micro milling of Ti6Al4V through intermittent oblique cutting simulation based force coefficients, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME), 142 (2020) 1-17.
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, T. Szalay, A. A. Dyakonov, Determination of minimum uncut chip thickness and size effects in micro-milling of P-20 die steel using surface quality and process signal parameters, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106 (2020) 4675-4691.
- T. Barik, S. Patnaik, K. Pal, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Monitoring of hole surface integrity in drilling of bi-directional woven CFRP composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 234 (2020) 2432-2458.
- P. Sahoo, T. Pratap, K. Patra, A hybrid modeling approach towards prediction of cutting forces in micro-end milling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 150 (2019) 495-509.
- P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Mechanistic modeling of cutting forces in micro-end-milling considering tool run out, minimum chip thickness and tooth overlapping effects, Machining Science and Technology, 23 (2019) 407-430.
- N. Kumar, P. Sahoo, A. Bandyopadhyay, Effect of Process Parameters on Bead Geometry, Microstructure and Hardness of a Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welded AISI 304 Stainless Steel Sheet, Lasers in Engineering, 40 (2018) 65-93.
- P Sahoo, A Pratap, A Bandyopadhyay, Modeling and optimization of surface roughness and tool vibration in CNC turning of Aluminum alloy using hybrid RSM-WPCA methodology, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 8(3), (2017) 385-398.
Recognition and Awards
Excellency in Teaching (ME101) (2023-24)
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