Dr. Priyabrata Sahoo

Designation : Assistant Professor

Broad Area of Expertise : Mechanical Engineering

Email : priyabrata{at}iitgoa.ac.in

Contact Number : 0832-2490-137

Address : F2, Academic Block-A

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India.
  2. M.E,  Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

Areas of Research

Microand Nano Machining/Finishing, Modelling of Manufacturing Processes, Chatter Modelling in Machining, Additive Manufacturing 

Courses Taught


Manufacturing Process-2 (ME320)

Manufacturing Process-1 (ME220)

Introduction to Manufacturing (Lab)


Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Theory Machining and Finishing (ME629)

Professional Appointments

  1. Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Goa, India (August 2023-Present).
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, Chennai (April 2023- July 2023).
  3. Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India (August 2021-April 2023).

Recent Publications

  1. P. Sahoo, N. Banerjee, R. Singh, Understanding the influence of free-volume generation, thermal instabilities and fracture energy on shear localization in micromachining of bulk metallic glass. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 133 (2025) 466-478.
  2. A. Anand, A. Saxena, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Device for Performing Opthalmic Surgery, IN Patnet: 540099, 2024.
  3. P. Sahoo, S. Kumar, R. Singh, G Srinivas, V. Bonu, H. C. Barshilia. Effect of arc-deposited diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating thickness on friction and size effects in high-speed micromilling of Ti6Al4V. Tribology International. 192 (2024) 109223.
  4. P. Sahoo, V.K. Singh, K. Patra, Influences of Tribological and Mechanical Properties of (Ti /Al)N and Diamond Like Carbon Coated Tungsten Carbide Tool on Machining and Dynamic Stability in Micro Milling of Ti6Al4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 85 (2023) 915-934.
  5. P. Sahoo, N. Banerjee, R. Singh, Modelling and Analysis of Chip Segmentation in Micro-cutting of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG), Manufacturing Letters. 35 (2023) 297-304.
  6. A. Roushan, U. S. Rao, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, and S. S. Rawat. "Wear behavior of AlTiN coated WC tools in micromilling of Ti6Al4V alloy using vegetable oil-based nanofluids." Tribology International (2023): 108825.
  7. A. Roushan, U.S. Rao, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Performance study of uncoated and AlTiN-coated tungsten carbide tools in micromilling of Ti6Al4V using nano-MQL. Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering. 45, 63 (2023).
  8. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, D Y. Pimenov, Enhancement of micro milling performance by abrasion-resistant coated tools with optimized thin-film thickness: Analytical and experimental characterization.  International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 120 (2022) 2993-3015.
  9. A. Roushan, U. S. Rao, K. Patra, P. Sahoo, Performance evaluation of tool coatings and nanofluid MQL on the micro-machinability of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes73 (2022) 595-610.
  10. T. Barik, K. Pal, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Sensor based strategies for accurate prediction of drilled hole surface integrity of CFRP/Al7075 hybrid stack. Mechanics of advanced materials and structures. 2022. 1-28.
  11. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Cumulative reduction of friction and size effects in micro milling through proper selection of coating thickness of TiAlN coated tool: Experimental and Analytical Assessments, Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 67 (2021) 635-654. 
  12. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Vishnu. K. Singh, M. K. Gupta, Q. Song, M. Mia and D. Y. Pimenov, Influences of TiAlN Coating and Limiting Angles of Flutes on Prediction of Cutting Forces and Dynamic Stability in Micro Milling of Die Steel (P-20), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 278 (2020) 116500.
  13. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, V. K. Singh, R. K. Mittal, R. K. Singh, Modelling dynamic stability and cutting forces in micro milling of Ti6Al4V through intermittent oblique cutting simulation based force coefficients, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME), 142 (2020) 1-17.
  14. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, T. Szalay, A. A. Dyakonov, Determination of minimum uncut chip thickness and size effects in micro-milling of P-20 die steel using surface quality and process signal parameters, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106 (2020) 4675-4691. 
  15. T. Barik, S. Patnaik, K. Pal, P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Monitoring of hole surface integrity in drilling of bi-directional woven CFRP composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 234 (2020) 2432-2458.
  16. P. Sahoo, T. Pratap, K. Patra, A hybrid modeling approach towards prediction of cutting forces in micro-end milling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences150 (2019) 495-509.
  17. P. Sahoo, K. Patra, Mechanistic modeling of cutting forces in micro-end-milling considering tool run out, minimum chip thickness and tooth overlapping effects, Machining Science and Technology, 23 (2019) 407-430.
  18. N. Kumar, P. Sahoo, A. Bandyopadhyay, Effect of Process Parameters on Bead Geometry, Microstructure and Hardness of a Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welded AISI 304 Stainless Steel Sheet, Lasers in Engineering, 40 (2018) 65-93.
  19. P Sahoo, A Pratap, A Bandyopadhyay, Modeling and optimization of surface roughness and tool vibration in CNC turning of Aluminum alloy using hybrid RSM-WPCA methodology, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 8(3), (2017) 385-398.

Recognition and Awards

Excellency in Teaching (ME101) (2023-24)

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