Dr. Sudhakar Yogaraj

Designation : Associate Professor (Program Chair)

Broad Area of Expertise : Mechanical Engineering

Email : sudhakar{at}iitgoa.ac.in

Contact Number :

Address : F-4, Academic Block A

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. PhD. Institute for Computational Mechanics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  2. MS. Department of Applied mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
  3. B.E. Aeronautical Engineering, Anna University, India

Areas of Research

Computational mechanics, Fluid-structure interaction, Bio-inspired fluid dynamics, and Passive flow control

Courses Taught

Mechanics of Materials (ME210)

Fluid Mechanics (ME201)

Statics and Dynamics (ME103)

Mechanics of Materials (ME210)

Computational Heat and Fluid Flow (ME605)

Turbulent flows (ME625)

Professional Appointments

  1. Postdoctoral researcher in Linne FLOW centre, KTH Mechanics (April 2016-March 2018)
  2. Scientist/Engineer 'SC', Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) (Feb. 2010-Feb. 2011)

Recent Publications

  1. H. Bodhanwalla, D. Raghunathan, Y. Sudhakar. (2024) A general pressure equation based method for incompressible two-phase flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 1–27.
  2. S. Jain, Y. Sudhakar. (2022) Prediction of drag components on rough surfaces using effective models, Physics of Fluids:34, 073602.
  3. Y. Sudhakar, U. Lacis, S. Pasche, S. Bagheri. (2023) Higher order homogenized boundary conditions for flows over rough and porous surfaces, Transport in Porous Media:136, 1--42.

Recognition and Awards

  1. Ramanujan fellowship from SERB (Since Nov. 2018)
  2. Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship from European commission (April 2016-March 2018)
  3. Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher fellowship awarded by the European Commission (Mar.2011-Dec.2013)

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