Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi

Designation : Professor (On lien as Director, NIT warangal)

Broad Area of Expertise : Electrical Engineering

Email : bidyadhar{at}

Contact Number : 0832-2490-859

Address : Admin Block, IIT Goa

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. PDF(NUS Singapore)
  2. PhD(Sheffield)
  3. MTech(IIT Delhi)
  4. Bachelor of Electrical Engg.(NIT Rourkela)

Areas of Research

System & Control Theory, Robust and Adaptive Control, Control of Photovoltaic system and Microgrid, Active Power Filtering, Wide Area Control of Power System, Control of autonomous underwater vehicles

Courses Taught

EE 309: Microprocessors

EE 337: Microprocessor Laboratory

EE 302: Control Systems

EE 324: Control Systems Laboratory

EE 601: Linear System Theory

EE 602: System Identification & Adaptive Control 

Professional Appointments

  1. Professor, School of Electrical Science, IIT Goa, wef 3rd July 2019
  2. Professor(HAG), Electrical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, wef 28th Feb 2019-2nd July 2019
  3. Professor, Electrical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, wef 1st July 2008
  4. Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 4th July 2006 to 30th June 2008
  5. Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology(IGIT) Sarang, 21st Jan 2002 to 3rd July 2006

Recent Publications

  1. S.R. Mahapatro; B. Subudhi, A Robust Decentralized PID Controller based Complementary Sensitivity Function for a Multivariable System, IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems-Briefs, 10.1109/TCSII.2019 .2943382
  2. A.Bag, B.Subudhi and P.K.Ray, An Adaptive Variable Leaky Least Mean Square Control Scheme for Grid Integration of a PV System, IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2929551
  3. S.Das and B.Subudhi, A Robust Active and Reactive Power Control Scheme with Multiloop Disturbance Rejection for a Wind Energy Conversion System, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy, 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2868565
  4. B.Subudhi and R.Pradhan, A New Adaptive Maximum Power Point Controller for a Photovoltaic System, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy ,10.1109/TSTE.2018.2865753
  5. S Swain, B Subudhi, Grid Synchronization of a PV System with Power Quality Disturbances using Unscented Kalman Filtering, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy, 0.1109/TSTE.2018.2864822
  6. R.Panigrahi and B. Subudhi, Performance Enhancement of Shunt Active Power filter using a Kalman Filter based H? Control Strategy, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol.4, no.32,pp.2622-2630, 2017
  7. R.Rout and B.Subudhi, NARMAX Self-Tuning Controller for Line-of-Sight based Way-Point Tracking for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol.25, no.4, pp.1529-1536, 2017
  8. R.Pradhan and B.Subudhi, Double Integral Sliding Mode MPPT Control of a Photovoltaic System, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol.24, no.1, pp.285-292, 2016

Recognition and Awards

  1. Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Nov 2019
  2. Fellow, IET(UK), July 2012
  3. Senior Member of IEEE(USA) [Elevated to Senior Member in June 2008]
  4. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award 2013,Orissa Bigyan Academy, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Orissa
  5. Newton Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 2015
  6. Featured in top 2% scientists in 2020 as per Stanford University's study group
  7. Vice-president, Automatic Control & Dynamic Optimization Society (ACDOS) wef Oct 2020
  8. ACM Distinguished Speaker wef Aug 2020
  9. Associate Editor, IET Electronics Letter, wef 2021
  10. Associate Editor, IEEE Access, wef 24th July 2020
  11. Associate Editor, IEEE Technology Conference Editorial Board since 2019
  12. Associate Editor, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy
  13. Associate Editor, IEEE Systems Journal

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