Lab name with code: EE231 Electronic Devices Lab
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Sunil Dutt
List of experiments
Experiment 1: To design and simulate the various circuits in LTSpice and find the voltage and current for each element from the simulation.
Experiment 2: To plot the following in Matlab Software
- The energy band gap for the intrinsic Germanium and Silicon
- The intrinsic carrier concentration for Germanium and Silicon
- The mobility of free electrons and holes for intrinsic Germanium and Silicon
- The drift velocity of free electrons and holes for intrinsic Germanium and Silicon
- The conductivity for intrinsic Germanium and Silicon
Experiment 3: To plot VI and input/output characteristics of the following in LTSpice software
- Diode
- Half-wave Rectifier
- Full-wave Rectifier
- Zener Diode
Experiment 4:
- To plot the V-I characteristic of a PN junction diode and calculate its static and dynamic resistances using practical setup.
- To calculate the ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier using practical setup.
Experiment 5:
- To study the zener diode VI characteristic using practical steup.
- To plot regulation characteristics using zener diode using practical steup.
Experiment 6: To study the behavior of clipping (limiting) and clamping circuits for following cases using practical setup.
- Clipper circuit with diode in series
- Case 1: Clipper circuit with forward biased diode in series
- Case 2: Clipper circuit with reverse biased diode in series
- Clipper circuit with diode in shunt
- Case 3: Clipper circuit with forward biased diode in shunt
- Case 4: Clipper circuit with reverse biased diode in shunt
- Clipping at two different levels
- Case 5: Clipper Circuit with limiting at two different levels
- Clamping circuit
Experiment 7: To study input and output characteristics of a n-p-n Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) in Common-emitter configuration using practical setup.
Experiment 8:
- To design a small signal voltage amplifier using transistor using practical setup.
- To plot its frequency response and to obtain bandwidth using practical setup.
Experiment 9: Design and simulate the schematic of the following using LTSpice software.
- Input and Output Characteristics of Common Emitter configuration of BJT
- Input and Output Characteristics of Common Base configuration of BJT
- DC and AC Analysis of BJT CE amplifier