Dr. Sashidhar Sampathirao

Designation : Associate Professor
Broad Area of Expertise : Electrical Engineering
Email : ssd{at}iitgoa.ac.in
Contact Number : 0832-2490-109
Address : F-18, Academic Block B
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Thesis Title: Investigations on Ferrite Permanent Magnet Motors for Deep Bore-Well Submersible Water Pumps
Supervisor: Prof. B. G. Fernandes
Areas of Research
Design and finite-element modelling of electrical machines, motors for renewable energy and electric vehicle applications, permanent magnet and reluctance motor drives, motors for aircraft and marine applications.
Courses Taught
EE-211: Electrical Machines and Laboratory
EE-222 : Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (Jointly with Dr. Sheron F)
EE-225 : Network Theory
EE-101 : Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits (Jointly with Dr. Ganga)
EE-234 : Electrical Machines Laboratory
EE-611: Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines
EE-610: Power System Dynamics and Control
EE-100: Introduction to Profession
Professional Appointments
- Associate Professor - School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Goa (11/2023 - till date)
- Assistant Professor - School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Goa (07/2018 - 11/2023)
- Project Research Scientist - Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay (06/2017 - 07/2018)
- Research Associate - Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay (12/2016 - 05/2017)
- Senior Research Assistant - National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education, IIT Bombay (02/2012 - 07/2012)
- Project Research Assistant - Andhra University-Naval Science and Technological Lab. (Joint Project) , DRDO, Visakhapatnam (10/2011 - 01/2012)
Recent Publications
- V. Gowtham, A. Nikhitha and S. Sashidhar, "Current Advance Angle based Rare-Earth-Free Hybrid PMa-SyRM Drive using Hall-Sensors for an Air-Conditioner Compressor," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 115924-115933, Oct 2023.
- P. Kumar, M. Israyelu and S. Sashidhar, "A Simple Four-Phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drive for Ceiling Fan Applications," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 7021-7030, Jan 2023.
- Srinivas Baka, S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Influence of Zero-Sequence Circulating Current on the Performance of Star-Delta Winding Line-Start Ferrite Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1557-1566, Sep 2022.
- Nithin Kumar Goona, P.S. Reddy and S. Sashidhar, "Distributed Source Scheme to solve the classical form of Poisson equation using 3-D Finite-Difference Method for improved accuracy and unrestricted source position," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier, vol. 190, pp. 965-975, 2021, ISSN 0378-4754.
- Srinivas Baka, S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Design of an Energy Efficient Line-Start Two-Pole Ferrite Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Water Pumps," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 961-970, June 2021.
- S. Sashidhar, V. Guru Prasad and B. G. Fernandes, "A Single-Stage Sensorless Control of a PV based Bore-Well Submersible BLDC Motor," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7,no. 2, pp. 1173-1180, June 2019.
- S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "A Novel Ferrite SMDS Spoke-Type BLDC Motor for PV Borewell Submersible Water Pumps," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 104-114, Jan 2017.
- S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Braking Torque due to Cross-Magnetization in Unsaturated IPM Machines and its Mitigation," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 1-9, Jan 2017.
- S. Sashidhar, Silba Mathew and B. G. Fernandes, "Motor System and Winding for an Electric Motor," Indian Patent (Granted), Patent No. 356976.
- S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Semi-Modular Submersible Brushless dc Motor," Indian Patent Application No. 201821010872.
Recent Conferences:
- Jitendra Kumar, Dipankar Debnath and S. Sashidhar, "Comparison of Magnet-less and PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Application," in Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) International Conf.(ICEM), Jaipur, Dec 2022, pp. 1-6.
- Poonam Sharma and S. Sashidhar, "Permanent Magnet Vernier Generator with Surface Ferrite Magnets for a Direct-Drive Wind Generator," in Proc. of 25th Electrical Machines International Conf.(ICEM), Spain, Sep 2022, pp. 328-333.
- M. Israyelu and S. Sashidhar, "Hybrid Switched Inductor Step-Up Ultra-Sparse Matrix Converter for Wind Generator Applications", in Proc. of 47th Annual IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) Conf., Toronto, 2021, pp. 1-6.
- M. Israyelu and S. Sashidhar, "Comparison of Switching Patterns of SVM for a Novel High Gain Indirect Matrix Converter", in Proc. of 47th Annual IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) Conf., Toronto, 2021, pp. 1-6.
- V. Gowtham and S. Sashidhar, "Hybrid Ferrite Al-Ni-Co PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Air-Conditioner Compressors", in Proc. of 47th Annual IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) Conf., Toronto, 2021, pp. 1-6.
- M. Sanjeev, M. Israyelu and S. Sashidhar, "Comparative Analysis of Direct SVM and Indirect SVM Techniques for Direct Matrix Converter", in Proc. of International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA), Goa, 2021, pp. 95-100.
- Nithin Kumar Goona, P.S. Reddy and S. Sashidhar, "A Proposal for Switched Magnetization Superconductor Motor", in Proc. of IEEE 14th Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE), Matera, 2021, pp. 1-4.
- V. Gowtham and S. Sashidhar, "Comparison of Hybrid PM assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors", in Proc. of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Valencia, 2021, pp. 166-171.
- Jitendra Kumar, V. Gowtham and S. Sashidhar, "Comparison of Synchronous Reluctance, PM assisted Synchronous Reluctance and Spoke-Type BLDC Motor for an E-Rickshaw", in Proc. of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Valencia, 2021, pp. 172-177.
- Anupam Sharma and S. Sashidhar, "A Novel Ring Permanent Magnet Flux Reversal Machine for a Direct-Drive Wind Generator", in Proc. of 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Singapore, 2020, pp. 838-843.
- Anupam Sharma and S. Sashidhar, "Comparison of Wind Turbine Generators for Roof-top Wind Power: Case Study, Issues and Challenges", in Proc. of 33rd IEEE Region 10 International Conference TENCON 2019, Kochi, 2019, pp. 1-6.
- Nithin Kumar Goona, P.S. Reddy and S. Sashidhar, "Effect of Magnetisation of Bulk Superconductors on Permanent Magnets for Reversible Braking Applications", in Proc. of 11th International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO Materials (PASREG 2019), Prague, 2019, pp. 1-6.
- S. Sashidhar, Silba Mathew and B. G. Fernandes, "Novel Toroidal Winding for Efficiency improvement of a Line-Start Induction Motor," in Proc. of 44th Annual IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON Conf., Washington D.C., Dec 2018, pp 607-612.
- Srinivas Baka, S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Design and Optimization of a 2-Pole Line-Start Ferrite assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor for a Downhole Pump," in Proc. of 23rd Electrical Machines International Conf.(ICEM), Greece, Oct 2018, pp. 131-137.
- Srinivas Baka, S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Multi-Barrier Two-Pole Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Motor with High Saliency for a Bore-Well Submersible Pump," in Proc. of 19 th Annual IEEE-IES Industrial Technology International Conf., Lyon, Mar 2018, pp. 475-480.
- Srinivas Baka, S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Effect of Flux Barrier Shape on the Performance of a Two-Pole Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Motor," in Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) International Conf., Chennai, Dec 2018, pp. 1-6.
- S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Comparison of a ferrite based single, three-phase spoke and surface permanent magnet BLDC motor for a PV submersible water pump," in Proc. of 16th Annual IEEE-IES Industrial Technology International Conf., Seville, Mar 2015, pp. 671-676.
- S. Sashidhar and B. G. Fernandes, "Optimal Design of Photovoltaic based Submersible Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor Using FEM," in Proc. of 41st Annual IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON Conf., Yokohama, Nov 2015,pp. 5241-5246.
Recognition and Awards
- Best Technical Presentation Recognition From IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, Dallas, USA
- IES Student Travel Grant, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, Dallas, USA
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