Dr. Neelakandan Rajamohan

Designation : Associate Professor, (Dean Academic Programs,UG & PG)

Broad Area of Expertise : Electrical Engineering

Email : neelakandan{at}iitgoa.ac.in

Contact Number : 0832-2490-107

Address : F-12 (Lab 1), Academic Block A

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. Ph.D Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Areas of Research

Wireless communication, 5G and Beyond networks, underwater communications and deep learning in wireless communication

Courses Taught

Core Courses: 

  1. Signals and Systems
  2. Analog Communication Systems
  3. Digital Communication Theory and Lab
  4. Electromagnetic Fields

Elective Courses:

  1. Advanced Digital Signal Processing
  2. Estimation and Filtering
  3. Applied Linear Algebra
  4. Detection and Estimation Theory



Professional Appointments

  1. July 2017 - June 2018 - Faculty on contract, Indian Institute of Information Technology, (D&M), Kurnool, Kancheepuram Campus, Chennai.
  2. June 2015 - July 2017 - Associate Professor, VIT University, Vellore.
  3. Dec. 2007 - Jan 2010 - Engineer DSP Software, Jasmin Infotech Pvt Ltd, Chennai.

Recent Publications

  1. Sushmita A, Kuntal D, Sanjeev S and Neelakandan R, IRS Assisted OTFS: Beamforming and Signal Detection, IEEE Transactions on Communications
  2. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Multi User MIMO for IRS Assisted Spatial Modulation Systems, IEEE ANTS, Dec. 2023, MNIT Jaipur.  
  3. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Multi User Generalized Spatial Modulated NOMA for mmWave Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 1285-1296, Sept. 2023.
  4. Sanila K S and Neelakandan R,  Joint Spatial and Reflecting Modulation for Active IRS Assisted MIMO Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 71 (5), pp. 3132-3143, May. 2023.
  5. Anna T, Kuntal D, Sanjeev S and Neelakandan R, IRS Assisted OTFS System - Design and Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 72 (3), Mar. 2023: 3345-3358.
  6. Shafrin KS and Neelakandan R, Generalized Spatial Modulation in Full Duplex Two Way Relay Channel, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 28 (6), Aug. 2022: 1918-1922.
  7. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, IRS Assisted Transceiver Quadrature Spatial Modulation, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 26 (7), July 2022: 1653-1657.
  8. Shafrin KS and Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Space Time Block Coding and Structured Multiplexing for Quadrature Spatial Modulation, IEEE PIMRC, Sept. 2021.
  9. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Enhanced Transmit  Receive Spatial Modulation for Massive MIMO Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 25 (7), July 2021: 2300-2304.
  10. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Enhanced Precoding Aided Generalized Spatial Modulation in Massive MIMO Systems, NCC, IIT Kanpur, July 2021.
  11. Neelakandan R and B Subudhi and BN Rath,  NARMAX based Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Sea Tech Week, Oct. 2020, Virtual Conference.
  12. Sanila KS and Neelakandan R, Structured Multiplexing of Quadrature Spatial Modulation and Compressive Sensing Detector, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 24 (9), pp. 2080-2084, Sept. 2020.
  13. Neelakandan R, Near-ML low complexity detector for generalized quadrature spatial modulation. IET Electronics Letters. Vol. 54, No. 15, pp. 941-943, July 2018.
  14. Neelakandan R, Joshi A, Kannu AP. Joint block sparse signal recovery problem and applications in LTE cell search. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2017 Feb;66(2):1130-43.
  15. Neelakandan R, Kannu AP. Downlink synchronization techniques for heterogeneous cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 2015 Nov;63(11):4448-60
  16. Neelakandan R, Kannu AP. Frame alignment and interference cancellation strategies for cell search in HetNets. In Communications (NCC), 2013 National Conference on 2013 Feb 15(pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Recognition and Awards

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