B.Tech. Mech


The Institute offers four undergraduate (B. Tech.) programs in engineering. IIT Goa follows a semester system. An academic year (July-April) consists of two semesters, each of approximately 16 weeks duration. The first semester begins in the last week of July and ends by the last week of November. The second semester starts in the first week of January and ends by the last week of April. In each of the two semesters of the first year, a student is required to register for the relevant courses listed in the curriculum for that semester.
The Institute follows a credit system. Credits are allotted to various courses depending upon the number of lectures, tutorials and laboratory hours per week. The student’s performance in a course is continuously evaluated throughout the semester and culminates in the award of a Grade on a 10- point scale. Performance in a semester is evaluated in terms of the weighted average of grade points secured in all the courses registered in that semester, which is known as Semester Performance Index (SPI). A Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses registered by the student since the time of joining the Institute.
To students admitted through JEE (Advanced) 2016, IIT Goa offers the B.Tech. undergraduate program. The B.Tech. programs consist of eight semesters spread over four years. During the first semester all branches will have a common curriculum.

Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Structure Total Credits
I MA101 Calculus 310423
PH101 Quantum Physics and Application 3003
CS101 Introduction to Computing 3024
HS101 Foundation Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences 3003
CH102 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 1102
CH101 Physical Chemistry 1102
CH103 Chemistry Lab 0032
ME101 Introduction to Manufacturing 0032
NO 101 National Sports Organisation 000P/NP
ELPP English Language Proficiency Programme 0000
Programme Core Courses
ME100 Introduction to Profession 1001

II MA 102 Basic Linear Algebra 3102*21
MA103 Ordinary differential equations 3102*
PH 102 Electricity and Magnetism 3003
PH 103 Physics Lab 0032
BIO 101 Introductory Biology 3003
ME 102 Engineering Graphics and Introduction Computer Aided Design 1032
EE 101 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3104
NO 102 National Sports Organisation 000P/NP
ELPP English Language Proficiency Programme 0000
Programme Core Courses
ME110 Statics and Dynamics 2103

III ME200 Thermodynamics 2103 18
ME 201 Fluid Mechanics 2124
ME 210 Mechanics of Materials 3104
ME 211 Solid Mechanics Lab 0032
XX XXX Open Elective 3003
MA 302 Differential Equations II 3103

IV ME212 Machine Drawing Lab 1032 17
ME220 Manufacturing Processes I 3003
ME221 Mechanical Measurements & Metrology 1032
ME222 Engineering Metallurgy 3003
xxxxx Open Elective 3003
MA203 Numerical Analysis 3104

V ME300 Applied Thermodynamics 213419
ME310 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines 2124
ME320 Manufacturing Processes II 2103
ME321 Manufacturing Processes Lab 0032
xxxxx Open Elective 3003
xxxxx Open Elective 3003

VI ME301 Heat Transfer 212419
ME311 Machine Design 2124
ME322 Industraial Engineering and Operations Research 2103
ME323 Digital Manufacturing Lab 0032
xxxxx Program Elective 3003
xxxxx Open Elective 3003

VII ME430 Internship 12001212
ME431 BTP I 6006
xxxxx Program Elective 3003
xxxxx Program Elective / Open Elective 3003
xxxxx Program Elective/Open Elective 3003
xxxxx Program Elective/Open Elective 3003
xxxxx Program Elective / Open Elective 3003
xxxxx Program Elective / Open Elective 3003

VIII xxxxx Program Elective 300312
xxxxx Program Elective 3 0 0 3
ME432 Program Elective / BTP II 3003
xxxxx Open Elective 3003