Long-term Internships
IIT Goa has introduced long-term internships in the B.Tech. curriculum. This is unique in the IIT system, and it provides opportunities for our students to take challenging internships in an industry during their 8th semester (applicable for the B.Tech batch 2021 onwards). The duration of internships is 6 months, and lasts from January to June. Such internships will provide valuable hands-on experience and enhanced potential job opportunities to students, while it helps to build strong academia-industry relations.
The selection procedure for such internships is as follows:
- We invite companies to fill Internship Notification Form (INF) and send the completed form to placements@iitgoa.ac.in.
- Since such an internship carries academic credits, the job description specified in INF will be sent for approval to the respective departments.
- After getting approval from the department, the CDC collects CVs of interested students and share the student profiles with the company.
- The company can conduct written tests and interviews to select appropriate candidates.
- For each intern, there will be an external supervisor from industry, and an internal faculty advisor from IIT Goa. The external supervisor periodically communicates the progress of the intern to the faculty advisor.
- At the end of internship duration, the external supervisor is expected to fill an evaluation form. The student will make a report and presentation of the work carried our during the internship at IIT Goa. Grades will be awarded to the student based on the evaluation form, report, and the presentation.