1. One-day Seminar on Appropriate Technologies for Rural Sectors
The One-day seminar was organized on October 28, 2018 in GEC campus, as a first step in identifying problems that could be addressed through technological intervention. The purpose of organizing this seminar was to bring together several experts on one platform to share their experiences and knowledge in the field of appropriate technologies, education and skill development. The speakers were Professor Milind Sohoni from IIT Bombay, Dr. Nandkumar Kamat from Goa University, Dr. Manoj Borkar from Carmel College for Women Nuvem, Shri Shrirang Jambhale from RCPR School of Agriculture, Dr. Sachin Prabhu Tendulkar, CEO of Mineral Foundation of Goa, Professor Akshay Niglaye from GEC, and Ms. Suaja Dabolkar, a research scholar at Goa University.

2. Outreach program for Class 9th students
IIT Goa organized its first Outreach Program on March 9, 2019, wherein 52 students of class 9th along with ten teachers participated from ten schools, located in and around Ponda. The program was organized on the platform of CATeRS, wherein the lectures and demonstration sessions on Science and Mathematics were conducted by IIT Goa faculty and students. Considering the state-of-the-art technology in mind, some special talks on artificial intelligence for real life applications and additive manufacturing were also conducted. IIT Goa plans to organize such programs to get associated with schools in Goa, aiming not only to share some scientific and mathematical concepts, but rather to act as a catalyst for igniting the curiosity and the development of scientific temperament in young minds.