E-Resources: Usage Policy & User Undertaking
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3. Electronic resources such as E-journals, E-databases, E-books etc. made available by the Central Library, IIT Goa are for academic use only.
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User Undertaking for E-Resources:
I understand the policy outlined above and undertake to abide by it. I understand that any violation of the policy will result in loss of my library privileges and/or other action as deemed appropriate by the Institute.\n
1. E-Journals
[2] American Institute of Physics
[3] American Mathematical Society
[5] Annual Reviews
[6] ASME Journals
[7] Humanities & Social Sciences Collection (Cambridge University Press)
[9] Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Cambridge University Press)
[10] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
[11] Royal Society of Chemistry Gold excluding Archives
[12] Science / AAAS
[13] ScienceDirect
[14] Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
[15] Springer
2. Database
2.1 Full Text databases
[2] IEEE Xplore Digital Library
[3] Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID)
[5] CMIE
1. ProwessIQ2. Economic Outlook
2.2 E-Bibliographic Databases
[1] Web of Science
2.3 Abstract Databases
[1] MathSciNet
[2] SciFinder-n (SciFinder user registration link)
3.Open Educational Resources
[1] Open Textbooks for Engineering (American Society for Engineering Education)
[2] Digital South Asia Library
[3] Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
[4] Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
[5] Economics Education Resource Guide
[6] EconPapers
[7] Full Text Archive (Free Classic E-Books)
[9] National Academies Press (Free E-Books)
[11] Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD)
[12] NPTEL
[13] Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)
[14] Project Gutenberg (Free E-Books)
[15] Shodhganga (Indian ETD Repository)
[17] TED Talks
[18] Universal Digital Library
[19] India Data Portal
4. e-Books
[1] South Asia Archive (Access thru NDLI)
[2] Tritech Digital Media eBooks
[3] Pearson eBooks Library ( For accessing this resource kindly contact Central Library)
[4] World eBook Library (Access thru NDLI)
5. Academic Writing Tool
[1] Grammarly [how to use Grammarly]
6. English Dailies
[1] Herald
[2] Navhind Times
[3] The Goan
[4] Times of India Goa edition