![]() Prof. Shuzhi Sam GeDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore,Singapore Abstract: In the literature of control science and engineering, we are more concerned with convenrgence of the states of any dynamic systems, and gradually pay attention to academically challenging and practically relevant finite time convergence where finite- time control drives the states converge within a certain time moment, regardless of how each state element converges even though it is an very important and critical issue in many accurate, precise and delicated operations. In this report, we first introduce various fundamental and basic ideas of time-synchronized control, moving the boundary well beyond the well-established notions and outcomes of standard “finite-time stability”. Then, we introduce a control problem with unique finite/fixed-time stability considerations, namely time-synchronized control, where all the system state elements converge to the origin at the same time. Finally, we share with you more nice properties for this interesting time-synchronized property attained, e.g., shortening the travel length and reducing the energy consumption. We welcome interest excellent individuals further push the boundary further beyond! |
![]() Prof. Sarangapani Jagannathan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Abstract: Machine learning (ML)/artificial intelligence (AI) is making advances faster that the society is able to absorb, understand and assimilate them in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and data analytics; at the same time feedback control that employ AI and ML are becoming more pervasive and critical. Today, application of learning controllers can be found in areas as diverse as process control, energy or smart grid, civil infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, transportation, entertainment, and consumer appliances. Tab |
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![]() Prof. Ghanim Putrus
Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Abstract: Energy and transport sectors are undergoing significant changes. With the increased concern about climate change, the interest in renewable energy generation and electric transport is continually increasing. Integrating electric supply and transport systems is the way forward to reduce their high carbon footprint, improve the environment and provide sustainable energy and transport. Smart technologies and automation are currently available to provide the necessary means to support this integration. This talk will give an overview of recent developments in the electricity supply and electric transport systems, and the role of artificial intelligence and automation in supporting their integration. The focus will be on the opportunities and emerging smart grid technologies that will help maintain reliable and affordable electricity and transport systems whilst improving their efficiency and lowering their environmental impacts. |
![]() Prof. Kalyana Veluvolu
School of Electronics Engineering, Abstract: Precision, robustness, dexterity, and intelligence are the design indices for current generation surgical robotics. To augment the required precision and dexterity into microsurgical work-flow, hand-held robotic instruments are developed to compensate physiological tremor in real-time. The active compensation is challenging due to the time-varying unknown delay introduced by hardware (sensors) and software (causal linear filters) that adversely affects the device real-time performance. The current techniques for 3D tip position control rely on modeling and canceling the tremor in 3-axes (x, y, z) separately. Our recent findings show significant correlations in tremor across the three dimensions (x, y, z) and the grip force (f). This talk will first introduce the challenges and present our research efforts on multi-dimensional (3D and 4D) tremor modeling that show improved performance. |
![]() Prof. Vladimiro Miranda
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Abstract: The large scale integration of new renewables in power and energy systems is a source of hope, in the context of decarbonisation and fight against global warming, but creates at the same time new challenges. Meanwhile, systems are becoming more equipped than ever to deal with secure operation issues, as a diversity of sensors, with extremely different characteristics and data collection rates, are becoming of widespread adoption. This pervasive monitoring goes from high-frequency data collection from PMUs to low rate smart meters as well as historical and forecasted values. This creates a level and density of monitoring and surveillance of the power system that moves concepts into the 4.0 realm, where systems become conducted more based on data than based on a priori models. This talk will address new trends in buildind accurate system awareness representations at power system control centres, by creating an internal mapping of the external world with contributions of different types of measurements from distinct types of sensors. This representation must be resilient to bad data and malicious cyberattacks. The information fusion process resorts to a combination of classical mathematical models, information theoretic learning concepts and Bayesian inference processes, so that system awareness may be developed at distinct levels of aggretgation and along distinct time scales, including awareness of system dynamics at 20 ms steps and diagnosing possible causes from novelty events. While the talk is focused on power systems, the concepts are general and can be transposed to other domains where operation or navigation require state estimatiion or environment awareness at different levels of aggregation. |
![]() Prof. Vinod A Prasad
Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Abstract: Brain-Machine Interfaces are systems that translate the user’s thoughts (intentions) coded by brain activity measures into actions through a control signal without using activity of any muscles or peripheral nerves. These control signals can potentially be employed to substitute motor capabilities (e.g. brain-controlled prosthetics for amputees or patients with spinal cord injuries, brain-controlled wheel chair); to help in the restoration of such functions (e.g. as a tool for stroke rehabilitation), to enable alternative communication (e.g. virtual keyboard, speller etc.) for those who are disabled or otherwise unable to communicate, and other applications such as serious games for enhancing cognition skills. This talk will provide an overview of Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), research challenges and potential applications. The talk will cover some selected non-invasive BMI research work from our group, which includes motor imagery decoding for stroke rehabilitation, neurofeedback computer games for improving the attention and cognitive skills, detection of familiarity from brainwaves (possible applications in psychology, criminal investigation etc.), biometric identification, Error-related Potentials and its applications. The talk will conclude highlighting potential future BMI research topics. |
![]() Dr. D. Sam Dayal Dev
Distinguished Scientist/ Director, Title: Navigation, Guidance and Control of Smart Space Robots Abstract: Robotics is becoming increasingly popular in the space sector and finding good market share in upcoming technology areas of On Orbit Operations (O 3 ) and interplanetary explorations. Space robots are mainly classified into two categories - free flying Robots, which are micro/Nano class satellites equipped with robotic arms and/or their constellations and – anthropomorphic rugged Humanoid robots,with longer sustenance capability in hostile environments. When it comes to near space operations such as on orbit servicing, refuelling, debris capture, assembly of large structures in space and earth observation, the free flyers are a favourite due to their quick turn-around time, versatility and substantially reduced costs. To serve as assistants for exploration missions and for sustainable infrastructure development in interplanetary missions, the Humanoids would fare well with their ability to work in human engineered environments. However, to leverage the utility of robotics in space sector, many critical technologies need to be specifically mastered and several existing ones have to be miniaturised especially in areas of sensors, actuators, antenna systems,Inter-satellite communications, propulsion systems, navigation and control. The advent of AI into space also throws open a plethora of possibilities to improve the autonomy and intelligence of these class of robotic probes. The talk will address the requirements and challenges in the Navigation, Guidance and Control of the small satellites, the state-of-the-art sensors and actuators used, recent trends in navigation, challenges in manipulation of robotic arms in space,applications of AI in automatic diagnostics based on Telemetry as well as the potential research areas for future of small satellites. The talk will also dwell on the technologies that would be demonstrated in the Smart Space Robot -Technology demonstrator satellite developed by ISRO. |