Final Paper Preparation:

  1. Addressing Reviewer Comments

    You are strongly encouraged to consider reviewers' comments and to revise your submission to accommodate them.

  2. Adding IEEE Copyright Notice:

    **Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document in the first column i.e. the left column**
    For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
    For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
    978-1-6654-3323-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 Crown
    For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
    978-1-6654-3323-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 European Union
    For all other papers the copyright notice is:
    978-1-6654-3323-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

  3. Compliance with IEEE Xplore PDF requirements Check your final paper for compliance with IEEE PDF eXpress using the steps below:

    (a) Login at
    (b) First-time users should do the following:
    1. Select the Create Account link.
    2. Enter the following:
    · 53009X for the Conference ID
    · your email address
    · a password

    3. Continue to enter information as prompted An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.

    (c)Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid. The Conference ID is 53009X.
    (d) If you face any difficulty in PDF eXpress, you may contact support at:
    (e) Get your IEEE Xplore complaint PDF file by following the steps above, as applicable. This will be your FINAL version of the paper.

  4. Plagiarism Check on FINAL paper:

    All FINAL papers will be checked for plagiarism and papers with a similarity score of more than 40% will not be included in IEEE Xplore. Instead, the authors will be able to present the paper and have it included only in the conference proceedings. Hence, you are advised to check the similarity score using tools like CrossCheck, Turnitin etc. at your end before you submit the FINAL paper.

Final Paper Submission And Registration Instructions

Acceptance of your paper is made with the understanding that at least one author will register for the conference and attend the conference to present the paper. If there is no registration for an accepted paper, the paper will be removed from conference proceedings and will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

In the event that you or a co-author cannot present the paper, we would greatly appreciate if you inform us as soon as possible if any other person will present the paper. However, registration in the name of one of the authors is mandatory.

The deadline for final paper submission is:
** September 7, 2021 **

The conference policy requires that at least one author of the paper pay a FULL registration fee before the final paper can be uploaded. Full registration allows the registrant to upload up to two final papers.

All necessary registration instructions are posted on the registration page:

Please pay attention to selecting the CORRECT registration category when submitting the final version of the paper and note that eventual changes in the category of full registration will be provided at EXTRA cost. We fully understand that this is a time full of uncertainty, but we are also striving to produce a high-level scientific program.

In addition, please note that regular papers over 6 pages will incur an over-length charge (for up to 2 extra pages) as mentioned on the registration page. The over-length charge will be assessed at the time of registration.

Submission of FINAL papers for IRIA 2021 must be completed through Papercept just the way you submitted the initial paper.

no later than **September 7, 2021**.
*** Note that any paper for which the final version is not uploaded by this final submission deadline will be considered as withdrawn. ***

Note that at the time of final submission, you should make any required changes to the abstract, the author list (including author affiliations), and the title of the paper. This information will be used as-is for the final program, so please be certain to check your entries carefully. Instructions regarding registration and payment are available on the conference website.

For more information on all the aspects of the conference, please visit the conference website at and consult this site regularly as we finalize details.