Dr. Bidhan Pramanick

Designation : Assistant Professor

Broad Area of Expertise : Biology and Biochemistry

Email : bidhan{at}iitgoa.ac.in

Contact Number : 0832-2490-104

Address : F-11 (Lab-1), Academic Block A

Personal Page

Educational Qualifications

  1. PhD in MEMS and Microsystems
  2. MTech in ECE.
  3. BTech in ECE.

Areas of Research

MEMS and Microsystems, Carbon-MEMS, Microfabrication, Nanoenergy, Drug delivery, Lab-on-a-CD

Courses Taught

Electronic Devices and Circuits
Analog Circuits

Professional Appointments

  1. Assistant Professor (2018-till) in IIT Goa.
  2. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2017-2018) in IIT Kharagpur
  3. Postdoctoral Research Investigator (2015-2017) in University of California Irvine, CA, and in Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
  4. Assistant Professor (2014-2015) in IIST Trivandrum
  5. Visiting Faculty (2012-2014) in IIST Trivandrum

Recent Publications

  1. Richa Mishra, Bidhan Pramanick, Tapas Kumar Maiti, Tarun Kanti Bhattacharyya, Glassy carbon microneedles-new transdermal drug delivery device derived from a scalable C-MEMS process,Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering, Vol 4 (1), pp 38, 2018.
  2. Bidhan Pramanick, Matias Vazquez-Pinon, Alejandro Torres-Castro, Sergio O Martinez-Chapaa, Marc Madou, Effect of pyrolysis process parameters on electrical, physical, chemical and electro-chemical properties of SU-8-derived carbon structures fabricated using the C-MEMS process, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol 5 (3), pp 9669-9682, 2018.
  3. Bidhan Pramanick, Arnoldo Salazar, Sergio O Martinez-Chapa, Marc J Madou, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0008622316310223 Carbon, vol 113, pp 252-259, 2017.
  4. Bidhan Pramanick, Lorena Berron Cadenas, Dong-Min Kim, Wonchul Lee, Yoon-Bo Shim, Sergio O Martinez-Chapa, Marc J Madou, Hyundoo Hwang, Human hair-derived hollow carbon microfibers for electrochemical sensing, Carbon, vol 107, pp 872-877, 2016.
  5. Daewon Kim, Bidhan Pramanick, Arnoldo Salazar, II-Woong Tcho, Marc J Madou, Eun Sang Jung, Yang?Kyu Choi, Hyundoo Hwang, 3D carbon electrode based triboelectric nanogenerator, Advanced Materials Technologies, vol 1 (8), pp 1600160, 2016.

Recognition and Awards

  1. Awarded with CONACYT Candidate level by Science and Technology department, Mexico (2016)
  2. CSIR SRF (2010)
  3. MHRD Scholarship Assistantship (2004)
  4. Our research work was recognized and reported by natureINDIA (http://www.natureasia.com/en/nindia/article/10.1038/nindia.2013.158)
  5. Our Carbon based Triboelectric Nanogenerator work is accepted for cover image of the journal, Advanced Material Technologies
  6. Our recent work on carbon microneedle was the Editor's pick
  7. Our recent work on carbon microneedle was highlighted by The HINDU newspaper.
  8. Reviewer of Applied Surface Science, Elsevier
  9. Reviewer of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier
  10. Reviewer of Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier
  11. Reviewer of Applied Physics Letter, AIP

  12. Edit Profile