Centre of Excellence
in Sustainable Energy
Sr. No. Equipment Brief specifications/ function/ comment
1 Flame characterization setup This facility is dedicated for flame diagnostics under various configurations, fuel-oxidizer combinations, equivalence-ratios, and flow rates. The setup will employ several techniques for investigating the lift-off characteristics of flames, blow-off characteristics of flames, fuel burning rates, flame speeds, soot generation, turbulent combustion, and so on. This facility has been established in SMS.
2 Intermediate pressure combustion chamber (< 150 bar) This windowed pressure vessel allows visualization and measurement of combustion phenomena in a diverse set of conditions. This facility is already being constructed through SRG grant of Dr. Anirudha Ambekar.
3 Internal combustion engine setups The facility should contain a variable compression ratio engine, optical access engine, engine emissions measurement devices, smoke meter, dynamometer, and so on. This facility is also useful for UG/ PG teaching and has been established as part of the Applied thermodynamics lab course.
4 Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) SMPS is the gold standard for measuring sub-micron sized aerosol particles. SMPS that can measure particle sizes from 2.5 nm to 1000 nm will be installed soon in IIT Goa.
5 Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII) and 2-color pyrometer A combined system for Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII) and 2 color pyrometer for flame diagnostics is being established in SMS.