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Sr. No. Title Speaker Time
1. Day-1 (Wednesday, 3rd January 2024)
2. Welcome Prof. Sharad Sinha, IIT Goa 9.30 AM - 6.00 PM
3. Inauguration Prof. B K Mishra, Director IIT Goa
4. Hardware design, modeling and control of an aerial-aquatic unmanned vehicle Prof. Wang Biao, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
5. Lunch
6. Basics of Drones and its components Vipin Gautam, Project Lead
7. Drone Flying Session
9. Day-2 (Thursday, 4th January 2024)
10. Aerial Surveying, Thermography and LIDAR Mapping Shreyas Puttaraju, Windranger Tech 9:30 AM – 06:00 PM
11. DGCA Certification and Guidelines
12. Lunch
13. Introduction to Learning Problems and Neural Networks Prof. Clint Pazhayidam George, IIT Goa
13. Hands-on Image Analysis and Classification
14. Day-3 (Friday, 5th January 2024)
15. Introduction to Computer Vision using Deep Learning Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa 9:30 AM – 06:00 PM
16. Drone Technology for Image Recognition
17. Lunch
18. Hands-on: Real-time Image Recognition Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa
19. Day-4 (Saturday, 6th January 2024)
20. Detection and Tracking in Motion Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa 9:30 AM – 06:00 PM
21. Helmet Detection using Aerial Vision
22. Lunch
23. Detection and Tracking in Motion Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa
24. Drones and Policing Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa
25. Hands-on: Real-time Object Detection Vipin Gautam, Project Lead
26. Day-5 (Sunday, 7th January 2024)
27. Light-Weight CV on the Edge Prof. Shitala Prasad, IIT Goa 9:30 AM – 06:00 PM
28. Hands-on: Video processing | helmet detection | vehicle detection
28. Lunch
29. Assessment
30. Valedictory and Feedback