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AI Shiksha

Introduction to Deep Learning

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Results of End-course Examination

List of successful candidates

Sr. No. Name GradeRemark
1B Naveen
Top 10
2Jayaganthan SnehaA+Top 10
3Bisht NitinATop 10
4Deogaonkar VallabhATop 10
5Saxena UtkarshATop 10
6A JithendranATop 10
7Anand KushalBTop 10
8M S AsifBTop 10
9K NeeleshBTop 10
10N K I S LakmalCTop 10
11Jadhav AdityaCTop 10
12Jagtani RohitCTop 10
13Parvar YadavCTop 10
14Agashe AdwaitCTop 10
15Meghani SamarthCTop 10
16Tsheten DorjiC
17Negi PawanC
18Chawrey JayC
19Hosseini seyyed kamranC
20Reghu DhanyaC
21Bhesania abhishekC
22Prabantu Vasam ManjveekarC
23Meena BharatD
24Sahu RahulD
25Ladani SavanD
26G ReshmaD
27Panda AnshumanD
28Gaikwad MaheshD
29Baratam KrishnakanthD
30Chandna SakshamD
31D P BalakrishnanD
32Sah Teli KrishnaD
33Singh KushalD
34Priyadarshana ManujaD
35Myint Sin Thi YarD
36Sengupta SutirthaD
37Bhavya AilawadhiD
38Gupta AkshatD
39Jain RishabhD
40Agarwal ShraddhaD
41Sugun Guzzarlapudi StephenD
42Kaushal NareshD
43Gupta AkankshaD
44Yee Nyo NyoD
45Vaibhav KumarD
46Radika DushaniD


  1. Participants need to consider this result as an assesment of knowledge gained from the course
  2. Top 10 performers will be given a book as a prize
  3. The successful candidates will be awarded a certificate with grades
  4. Others who appeared for the final examination will be given certificates of participation
  5. Eligible participants will receive their certificates over email before September 30, 2021
  6. Top 10 has more than 10 students, since more than one student scored identical marks


  1. A+ for marks above or equal to 85%
  2. A for marks above or equal to 70%
  3. B for marks above or equal to 60%
  4. C for marks above or equal to 50%
  5. D for marks above or equal to 40%