
We are pleased to announce the 1st conference on Hot QCD matter to be held in Goa, during May 12-14, 2022. The aim of this three-day conference is to bring together theoretical and experimental physicists across India in the field of QGP/Heavy-ion collisions to stimulate discussion on recent experimental results, theoretical developments, and future directions in this field.

We plan to have about 35 talks and plenty of time to discuss some of the open issues in heavy-ion theory and experiments. The general approach and format of the workshop will be pedagogical, the audience ranging from hot-QCD experts to graduate students, and should favour extended discussion among participants.

Strongly-interacting matter at extreme conditions of temperature and density is a major subject of research in both theoretical and experimental communities. Experiments with ultra-relativistic nuclei at RHIC and LHC create hot QCD matter at extremely high temperatures, where quark-gluon plasma is formed. According to the Big Bang Theory, this state of matter existed in the Universe roughly between a few pico to microseconds after the Big Bang. The state of matter produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions reaches equilibrium in a very short time. It is a major challenge of contemporary studies to develop theoretical and phenomenological tools which link the experimental observations with the predictions of the fundamental theory at equilibrium.