Invited talks

Conference Proceedings & Presentations

  • G. Senthilkumar, Y. Sudhakar (2024). Effect of wing flexibility on wing-wake interaction of a flapping wing, Annual AeSI CFD Symposium 2024, 11–13 August, BIT Mesra.

  • Dheeraj, R., Sudhakar, Y. (2024). General Pressure Equation-Based Incompressible Flow Solver. In: Singh, K.M., Dutta, S., Subudhi, S., Singh, N.K. (eds) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 3. FMFP 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

  • Sudhakar, Y., Jain, S. (2024) Drag Computation on Rough Surfaces Using a Homogenised Model. In: Singh, K.M., Dutta, S., Subudhi, S., Singh, N.K. (eds) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 3. FMFP 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore

  • Y. Sudhakar, U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, A physics-motivated unified effective model for flows over rough, porous and poroelastic walls, COMPFLU 2018, 6–9 December 2018, IIT Roorkee.

  • Y. Sudhakar, U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over anisotropic porous walls 16th European Turbulence Conference, 21–24 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Y. Sudhakar, U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, Towards multiscale modeling of turbulent channel flow over porous walls, 69th Annual meeting of APS-DFD, 20–22 November 2016, Portland, USA.

  • Y. Sudhakar, J.P.M. de Almeida, W.A. Wall, Accurate, efficient and robust numerical integration of weak forms over polyhedral shaped cut elements in embedded interface methods, 12th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 22–25 July 2013, Raleigh, USA.

  • Y. Sudhakar, W.A. Wall, J.P.M. de Almeida, Numerical integration of weak form in Embedded Interface Methods, ADMOS 2013, 3–5 June 2013 Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Y. Sudhakar, W.A. Wall, Gaussian quadrature rules for arbitrary cut-volumes in embedded interface methods, ECCOMAS 2012, 10–14 September 2012 Vienna, Austria.

  • Y. Sudhakar, J.P.M. de Almeida, W.A. Wall, A simple method for integration over enriched elements in partition of unity methods, Berlin PUM workshop 2012, 22–24 August, Berlin, Germany.

  • Y. Sudhakar, S. Vengadesan, K. Shaafi Mohamed, Wake characteristics of a circular cylinder attached with an oscillating splitter plate, IUTAM symposium on Bluff Body Flows, 12–16 December 2011, India.

  • Y. Sudhakar, S. Vengadesan, Computation of viscous flow past moving bodies: Use of Immersed Boundary Method, 10th Annual CFD symposium, 11–12 August 2008, Bangalore, India.