Statics and Dynamics (ME 110)
ME 110 is a core course for second semester B.Tech. students of the school of mechanical sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Goa. This page containts details of the course that is being taught during Spring 2021.
Instructor: Dr. Sudhakar Yogaraj
Teaching Assistants: Aditya Singh
Course progress
[09/04] Equilibrium of rigid bodies: Introduction to mechanics, course contents and grading policy, Newton’s laws, Importance of units
[12/04] Statics of particles: Particle assumption, resultant, equilibrium of particles, free-body diagram and some example problems
[16/04] Concept of moment, Equivalent force-couple system
[20/04] Wrench, equilibrium of rigid bodies, types of supports, statically determinate and indeterminate structures
[22/04] Analysis of structures: Introduction, types of truss based on rigidity, method of joints
[23/04] Method of sections and example problems
[26/04] Maxwell diagram, analysis of frames
[27/04] Tutorial-1
[30/04] Friction: Coulomb’s laws of dry friction, coefficient of frictions, angle of repose, example problems
[03/05] Wedge and an example problem, belt friction, disk friction
[04/05] Tutorial 2
[07/05] Wheel friction and rolling resistance, square threaded screws
[10/05] Properties of surfaces: centroid computation by integration, equivalent load on beams
[11/05] Moment of inertia, product of inertia and polar moment of inertia, example problems
[17/05] Parallel axis theorem, an example problem, moment of inertia about axes inclined with respect to Cartesian coordinates
[18/05] Tutorial 3
[21/05] Tutorial 4
[29/05] Mid-semester exam
[07/06] Principle of virtual work: work done by a force, virtual displacements, principle of virtual work
[08/06] Example problems on principle of virtual work
[11/06] Conservative force, principle of minimum potential energy
[14/06] Example problems on principle of minimum potential energy
[15/06] Tutorial 5
[21/06] Dynamics of particles: rectilinear motion of particle, projectile motion
[22/06] Curvilinear motion in tangential-normal components, polar coordinates, kinetics of particles
[25/06] Dynamics of rigid bodies: kinematics of rigid bodies — translation and rotation about a fixed axis
[28/06] General planar motion — relative motion analysis using translating axes
[29/06] General planar motion — relative motion analysis using rotating axes
[02/07] Kinetics of general planar motion
[05/07] Tutorial 6
[06/07] Mechanical vibration: Free undamped vibration
[07/07] Tutorial 7
[09/07] Free damped vibration: under, critically, and over damped system, measure of damping
[12/07] Forced vibration
[13/07] Tutorial 8
[22/07] End semester exam
Reference books
FP Beer, ER Johnston Jr., DF Mazurek, PJ Cornwell, ER Eisenberg, Vector mechanics for engineers, McGraw Hill.
LH Shames, Engineering mechanics, Printice Hall.