Multiscale Modeling of Multiphase Materials
Aim: Development of computationally cost effective and efficient technique for the prediction of failure of heterogenous materials.
Elaboração: The behavior of the composite material can be determined by analyzing the representative section of the composite microstructure which is named as representative volume element (RVE). RVE based analysis for effective property determination involves two different scales i.e. the macroscopic scale where the domain is regarded as homogeneous and heterogeneities are not visible, second is microscopic scale which is called as scale of heterogeneity. The effective macroscopic properties can be calculated using multiscale modeling approaches. A reduced order asymptotic homogenization based multiscale technique which can capture damage and inelastic effects in composite materials is proposed. Macroscale stress is derived by calculating the influence tensors from the analysis of representative volume element (RVE). To solve the problem of strain localization a method of the alteration of stress-strain relation of micro constituents based on the dissipated fracture energy in a crack band is implemented.
Under transient loads, when the wavelength of loading function and microstructure size are of same order, the composite material response become extremely complex due to wave interactions at the interfaces of different phases. Local waves may generate at microscale with micro-reflections and micro-refractions, leading to dispersion of global wave under impact load. Investigation of material microstructure relationship with energy dissipation of composite material for impact and blast applications is the future goal of my research.