Research Scholar’s Confluence 2022
Research Scholars Confluence 2022

Research Scholar’s Confluence 2022

IIT Goa welcomes you all for the second Research Scholar’s Confluence 2022 to be held on 3rd June 2022. The RSC 2022 will host the following events:

1. Technical Talk
2. Poster Presentation
3. Student Talks (Using presentation or black board)

Table Setting
Rules for Poster Presentation:

  1. You can participate as an individual or as a team of maximum 3 members.
  2. The recommended poster size is A0 with A0 paper size as 33.1 in x 46.8 in. All presenters must also make a pdf of their poster which can be put up on the RSC webpage.
  3. The designated poster presenter (author or coauthor) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented.
  4. Pushpins will be provided to mount your poster and poster must be hanged before the schedule.

Register and submit your entries at:

Rules for Student Talks using presentation or blackboard:

  1. Each team selects a topic of interest about which they are passionate.
  2. Each team shall have a maximum of 3 students.
  3. Each team shares a well-developed and rehearsed Talk with the support of visual slides (PPT or black board) that help move the topic forward.
  4. Teams will be assigned dates for delivering their Talk in front of the audience.
  5. Each team will have 10 minutes to deliver their talk followed by a 5 minute Q&A session.

Register and submit your entries at:

Student Talks

Late date of submission of posters and student talks: Wed, 25th May 2022 9 PM IST

We will have an award for the three best posters. We will ask you to answer some questions of the judges (5-10 minutes). Do not miss the opportunity of being among the winners of the RSC poster prize!


Time 3 June 2022 (Friday) Venue
09:30 - 10:00 AM Registration LH1, Mining Building
10:00 - 11:15 AM Inauguration + Technical Talk –do–
11:15 - 11:30 AM Tea break Outside LH1
11:30 - 11:45 AM Student Talk 1 LH1, Mining Building
11:50 - 12:05 PM Student Talk 2 –do–
12:10 - 12:25 PM Student Talk 3 –do–
12:30 - 01:30 PM Lunch break IIT Goa Mess
02:00 - 05:00 PM Poster Presentation Mine Environment, Ground Floor, Mining Building
03:45 - 04:00 PM Tea break Outside Mine Environment, Ground Floor, Mining Building
05:00 - 05:30 PM Prize Distribution + Closing Ceremony LH1, Mining Building

Akanksha Mishra, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, IIT Goa.
Phone: 9911864548
Kranthi Panuganti, School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Goa.
Phone: 8007134247

Venue: IIT Goa, Farmagudi, Ponda - 403401