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AI Shiksha

Introduction to Machine Learning

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Classes will be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 5-6 pm followed by interaction/questions till 6:30pm

Week 109-March-2021Supervised learning - intro + k-Nearest Neighbors Dr. Clint P George
11-March-2021Linear regression
13-March-2021Extensions of linear regression + polynomial curve fitting
Week 216-March-2021Linear models for classification, the Perceptron algorithm
18-March-2021Logistic regression
21-March-2021Optimization algorithms: Gradient Descent, Newton’s method
Week 323-March-2021Machine learning in practise: training, overfitting, underfitting, bias variance tradeoffDr. Satyanath Bhat
25-March-2021SVM Overview
27-March-2021Decision trees, random forests
Week 430-March-2021Unsupervised learning - intro
03-April-2021 Kernel PCA
Week 506- April-2021K-MeansDr. Arun Rajkumar
08-April-2021Maximum Likelihood estimation
10-April-2021 Gaussian Mixture Models
Week 613-April-2021EM Algorithm and variants
15-April-2021Spectral Clustering
17-April-2021 Intro to Online Machine Learning
Week 720-April-2021Intro to Multi-armed Bandits/ RL
22-April-2021Wrap up/Additional day