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September 2020
This course will give an introduction to C/C++ programming along with an introduction to Data structure and Algorithms. This is a core course for CS and M&C undergraduate students.
Week | # | Topic | Resources |
1 | 23/8 | Introduction to C | |
0 | First day meeting video link | ||
1 | Lecture 1.1 Hello World, Lecture 1.2- Comments, Lecture 1.3 - Basic data types (int, float, char), Lecture1.4 - Review with an example. Creating a resume | Lecture 1.1 Lecture 1.2 Lecture 1.3 Lecture 1.4 | |
2 | Lecture 2.1 - if else, Lecture 2.2 - Functions, Lecture 2.3 - Scope of a variable | Lecture 2.1 Lecture 2.2 Lecture 2.3 | |
3 | Lecture 3.1 - Arrays and Strings, Lecture 3.2 - Passing arrays to functions, Lecture 3.3 - Loops (for, while, do while) | Lecture 3.1 Lecture 3.2 Lecture 3.3 | |
4 | Lecture 4.1 - constants, Lecture 4.2 - Getting user input (using getchar function), Lecture 4.3- Using getchar to get user input from the keyboard | Lecture 4.1 Lecture 4.2 Lecture 4.3 | |
2 | 30/8 | Recursion | |
1 | Lecture 5.1 - Recursion, Lecture 5.2 - Recursion example (factorial) , Lecture 5.3 - Recursion Checking for correctness, Lecture 5.4 - Factorial function (lab) , Lecture 5.5 - Execution path for recursive functions | Lecture 5.1 Lecture 5.2 Lecture 5.3 Lecture 5.4 Lecture 5.5 | |
2 | Lecture6.1 - Binary recursion (eg. Fibonacci number), Lecture 6.2 - Binary recursion, Fibonacci numbers,Subsets of a set, Lecture 6.3-Recursion explained through trees,Fibonacci sequence | Lecture 6.1 Lecture 6.2 Lecture 6.3 | |
3 | Lecture 7.1 -Multiple recursion Example: mini Sudoku, Lecture 7.2- Mutual recursion Example: Tic Tac Toe, Lecture 7.3-Recursion explained through trees,Tic tac toe program | Lecture 7.1 Lecture 7.2 Lecture 7.3 | |
3 | 6/9 | Pointers | |
1 | Lecture 8.1 Binary and Decimal numbers, Lecture 8.2 Bits and Bytes, Lecture 8.3 Memory - Random access memory(RAM), Lecture 8.4 - sizeof operator | Lecture 8.1 Lecture 8.2 Lecture 8.3 Lecture 8.4 | |
2 | Lecture 9.1- Introduction to pointers, Lecture 9.2 -Introduction to pointers (lab), Lecture 9.3 Pointers and Functions, Lecture 9.4 - Pointers and Arrays | Lecture 9.1 Lecture 9.2 Lecture 9.3 Lecture 9.4 | |
3 | Lecture 10.1 - Dynamic Memory allocation,malloc, calloc, realloc, free, Lecture 10.2 - Pointer to a pointer, Lecture 10.3 - Array of pointers, Lecture 10.4-Two dimensional arrays and pointers to pointers, Lecture 10.5 - Command line arguments | Lecture 10.1 Lecture 10.2 Lecture 11.2 Lecture 10.3 Lecture 10.4 | |
4 | 13/9 | File operations | |
1 | Lecture 11.1 -scanf function , Lecture 11.2 - Using scanf (lab), Lecture 11.3- File handling (file opening, reading, writing, closing) for text files, Lecture 11.4 - command line arguments | Lecture 11.1 Lecture 11.3 | |
Structures | |||
1 | Lecture 12.1 - Introduction to Structures, Lecture 12.2 - Arrays of structures, | Lecture 12.1 Lecture 12.2 | |
2 | Lecture 13.1 - shallow vs deep copy, Lecture 13.2 - passing as parameters, returning structures | Lecture 13.1 Lecture 13.2 | |
3 | Lecture 14.1 - Structures, Dynamic memory allocation, Lecture 14.2 - File input/output with structures | Lecture 14.1 Lecture 14.2 | |
4 | Lecture 15 - Read/Write Bitmap (BMP) Image, Display image in Text/ASCII Art | Lecture 15 | |
5 | 20/9 | Object oriented programming (C++) | |
1 | Lecture 16.1- Challenge to programmers, Lecture 16.2- Header Files | Lecture 16.1 Lecture 16.2 | |
2 | Lecture 17.1 -Abstraction , Lecture 17.2- Encapsulation, Header files, Lecture 17.3- Data Abstraction, Why Class? | Lecture 17.1 Lecture 17.2 Lecture 17.3 | |
3 | Lecture 18.1- Introduction to Classes ,Object oriented programming , Lecture 18.2- Constructors and Destructors in C++, Lecture 18.3 -Dynamic memory allocation in C++ ,new and delete , Lecture 18.4 -Polymorphism,Function overloading, Lecture 18.5 -Polymorphism,Operator overloading | Lecture 18.1 Lecture 18.2 Lecture 18.3 Lecture 18.4 Lecture 18.5 | |
Data Structures and Algorithm | |||
1 | 2/11 | 1.1 Introduction to Data Structures, 1.2 Abstract Data type (ADT), 1.3 List ADT , Implementation using array, 1.4 Introduction to Linked List, 1.5 Linked list,addFront and removeFront functions, 1.6 Linked list : length and search functions, add back function, 2.1 Building a Linked List - Part 1 : Singly linked list ,Friend class, 2.2 Building a Linked List - Part 2 :Singly linked list,operator overload, 2.3 Linked List with tail ,addBack function, 2.4 Introduction to doubly linked list, 2.5 Summary :Linked List, 2.6 Doubly linked list :remove a node in between,Reverse a doubly linked list, 3.1 Building a Linked List - Part 3 :Doubly linked list implementation, 3.2 Circularly linked list - Assignment | Lecture 1.1 Lecture 1.2 Lecture 1.3 Lecture 1.4 Lecture 1.5 Lecture 1.6 Lecture 2.1 Lecture 2.2 Lecture 2.3 Lecture 2.4 Lecture 2.5 Lecture 2.6 Lecture 3.1 Lecture 3.2 |
2 | 16/11 | 4.1 Stack data structure : LIFO principle, 4.2 Implementation of Stack ADT : Linked List application, 4.3 Stack implementation (lab), 4.4 Parentheses matching :Application of Stacks, 4.5 Application of Stack data structure ,Example: Matching parentheses (lab), 5.1 Queue data structure: FIFO principle,Queue ADT implementation , 5.2 Queue ADT implementation using linked list (lab) | Lecture 4.1 Lecture 4.2 Lecture 4.3 Lecture 4.4 Lecture 4.5 Lecture 5.1 Lecture 5.2 |
3 | 17/11 | 5.3 Tree data structure:Examples, 5.4 Tree terminology :Nodes-Edges,Parent-Child ,Root- Leaf-internal nodes, 6.1 Trees: Edges and Paths,Height and Depth of a tree,Ordered trees, 6.2 Tree Implementation, 6.3 Functions in a Tree ADT, 6.4 Tree: Algorithms for finding height and depth of a Tree, Recursion , 6.5 Trees :Summarizing properties of Trees , 6.6 Family Tree assignment | Lecture 5.3 Lecture 5.4 Lecture 6.1 Lecture 6.2 Lecture 6.3 Lecture 6.4 Lecture 6.5 Lecture 6.6 |
4 | 1/12 | 7.1 Binary Trees, 7.2 Full and Complete Binary Trees, 7.3 Properties of Binary trees, 8.1 Tree traversals: pre-order and post-order traversals , 8.2 Tree traversals : Inorder traversal, 9.1 Binary search trees (BST): Introduction | Lecture 7.1 Lecture 7.2 Lecture 7.3 Lecture 8.1 Lecture 8.2 Lecture 9.1 |
5 | 2/12 | 9.2 Binary Search Tree (BST): Search | Lecture 9.2 |
6 | 3/12 | 9.3 Binary Search Tree: Insertion and Deletion, 10.1 Analysis of Algorithms, 10.2 Asymptotic notation: Big O notation, 10.3 Analysis of Algorithms ,Asymptotic notation, Examples | Lecture 9.3 Lecture 10.1 Lecture 10.2 Lecture 10.3 |
7 | 7/12 | 11.1 Asymptotic notation :Theta and Omega notation, 11.2 Asymptotic notation: More examples, 11.3 Asymptotic notation :Introducing small o, 12.1 Asymptotic analysis of algorithms | Lecture 11.1 Lecture 11.2 Lecture 11.3 Lecture 12.1 |
8 | 8/12 | 13.1 Searching :Linear Search, 13.2 Searching :Binary Search | Lecture 13.1 Lecture 13.2 |
9 | 9/12 | 14.1 Sorting :Internal vs External, Stable sorting , 14.2 Insertion Sort, 14.3 Selection Sort | Lecture 14.1 Lecture 14.2 Lecture 14.3 |
10 | 10/12 | 15.1 Bubble Sort, 15.2 Swap function :swap without extra variable , 15.3 Merge Sort | Lecture 15.1 Lecture 15.2 Lecture 15.3 |
11 | 11/12 | 16.1 Simplified version of Quicksort algorithm :Worst case analysis,Average case analysis , 16.2 Quicksort algorithm | Lecture 16.1 Lecture 16.2 |
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