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MPI in action

Parallelization of unsteady heat conduction solvers

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NSM Nodal Centre at IIT GOA, are organizing a 2 days course on MPI in action. This is planned from 2-3 October 2021, and is open to everyone. The course will be held online. Session link will be shared with registered participants.

Course Objectives

This short course introduces the application of MPI to parallelise simple CFD solvers. At the end of the course, with the help of hands-on sessions, the participants will be able to write a parallel solver to deal with 2D unsteady heat conduction problems in Cartesian grids.

Important Dates:

Course Registration

till Sunday, 26th September 2021

Course Start Date

2nd October 2021

Course Duration

2 Days

Course Topics Instructors

  1. Review of finite difference methods and MPI concepts
  2. Parallelization of 1D unsteady heat conduction equation (hands-on)
  3. Discretization of 2D heat conduction equation using finite difference/volume methods
  4. Parallelization of 2D unsteady heat conduction equation (hands-on)
Prof. Sudhakar Yogaraj